From the moment they arrive, we understand that our task is to prepare boys for life beyond Sherborne. Leaving School is not an ending, but a beginning – of a new adventure, a new phase, and a new set of challenges.

Route Map

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Key areas within the department:

Tim Filtness UCAS
Specialist Higher Education
Overseas Higher Education

Our approach:

Our whole approach is configured towards that goal of readying pupils for the next step. As they progress through the School, this takes on a sharper, more practical focus. We ensure they have what they need to achieve their ambitions when they leave.

For many of our boys, those ambitions involve studying at a competitive UK university. We are proud of the number of boys who achieve this objective. We keep close track of the evolving university admissions environment, in order to understand universities’ entry requirements and to help boys optmise their chances of making a suitable, and successful application. Although most apply to study at UK universities through UCAS, we raise awareness of, and provide bespoke support to, those wishing to pursue other options, such as studying overseas, apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships.

We support pupils from an early stage to understand the nature of professional environments, their skills (beyond specific academic attainment) and interests, and formulate ideas about the kinds of careers that might suit them.

We draw on the Old Shirburnian (OS) Society to offer mentoring, careers guidance and support to existing pupils. In recent years, OS have joined webinars and offered advisory meetings from every corner of the globe. The 2021 Lower Sixth Form Careers Convention featured over 75 professional delegates in panel discussions covering specific areas.

There is no fixed formula for success at Sherborne, but by offering individualised support to every boy, and an encouragement to seek future paths that will harness their distinctive interests and talents, we prepare them for a bright future in which they are set to flourish.


Key Members of the Department:

To contact a member of the Department, please email [email protected]

Mr Alex Boyd-Williams: Deputy Head (Sixth Form)

Mrs Judy Thurman: Head of Specialist Higher Education

Mr Richard Fuller: Head of Global Universities

Mrs Susannah Keene: Higher Education & Careers Coordinator

Mrs Zoe Fraser: Careers Manager