The CCF is a chance for boys and girls from Sherborne Girls to develop leadership, teamwork, and resilience. Termly field trips, sumamer camps and overseas expeditions are enjoyed by the cadets. For many, involvement in CCF is a highlight of their time at School: they form lifelong friendships and learn valuable lessons about perseverance, respect and determination. That it also provides an opportunity to get into the great outdoors and let off steam, is a further draw for many of our cadets.

Our CCF consists of Royal Navy, Royal Marines, and Army sections. They are led by impressive Sixth Formers and supported by committed staff, many of whom have previous military experience. Cadets have the opportunity to join the CCF in Fourth Form where they follow a syllabus. Prior to Remembrance Day our Fourth Form cadets sit beret tests to ensure they have earned the right to wear their beret and progress onto the next phase of training. They cover topics including: navigation, field craft, drill, weapons training, first aid, military history, seamanship, appearance and bearing and leadership. Our Fifth Form cadets do a bespoke course which develops their leadership skills and teaches them instructional techniques to allow them to deliver the training when they get to the Sixth Form. Cadets in the Sixth Form have a CCF social area and have an annual black-tie dinner. Our CCF has its own stores, classrooms, shooting range, and uses many nearby facilities for training.

Field trips provide memorable experiences including sleeping in woods, cooking rations, putting fieldcraft skills into practice, and sailing aboard Royal Navy vessels. Recent Field Trips include training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, the Britannia Royal Naval College, the Commando Training Centre, HMS Collingwood and RNAS Yeovilton. Every summer we have a UK-based summer camp at a military base and an adventure training camp overseas. In recent years the CCF trips have included glacier-walking in Norway and mountain biking in Transylvania. We also enter teams into national competitions including: Field Gun (Royal Navy); Pringle Trophy at the Commando Training Centre (Royal Marines), and the Rifles Cadet Cup at Aldershot (Army).


Remembrance Sunday 2023


Flickr album: Sherborne CCF Biennial Inspection | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


Flickr album: Pringle Trophy 2022 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin