Thanks to our full-boarding ethos, weekends are a time of great activity and stimulation at Sherborne.
Saturday mornings begin with lessons, followed by the weekly Whole-School Lecture. An external speaker usually delivers this: in recent years we’ve welcomed explorers, mountaineers, athletes, entrepreneurs and high-profile academics. The talk helps inspire boys with an awareness of the world around them, and the rich possibilities open to them beyond Sherborne.
Saturday afternoons are given over to the School’s extensive sports programme. Every boy has a chance to participate, whether by representing the School in a match or simply enjoying some physical activity with friends. They then gather in their Houses for evening Assembly before supper and a programme of social events. We often organise these with Sherborne Girls and activities include karaoke, discos, barbecues, and movie or pizza nights.

On Sunday, breakfast is followed by quiet time in Houses, during which boys catch up with work and reading. A variety of trips takes place on Sundays, including outdoor activities and visits to sports matches or the cinema.
Inter-house competitions may take place on Sunday afternoons, giving boys the chance to sharpen their competitive instincts in a variety of areas. The whole School then comes together on Sunday evening for a service in the Abbey. This is a time to be still together, reflecting on our shared life before the start of another busy week.