Sherborne offers a distinctive education in so many ways, but none more so than in our commitment to providing an all-boys, full-boarding experience. We are one of only a handful of schools in the UK to adopt this approach. We do so because we value the time it gives us to create a rich and varied tapestry of experiences for our pupils.

There is something special about living in community seven days a week. Our boys are with each other for work, study, play and relaxation. Boys form strong bonds across year groups, underpinned by mentoring between the junior and senior boys. They come to value their Houses, seeing them as a place to call home – somewhere they are encouraged to be fully themselves, and relish the fellowship of their friends. For an insight into our boarding provision, please see our virtual tour. 

Of course, their identity is configured first and foremost by the School. They understand that they represent Sherborne in the local community, that membership of this School confers certain privileges and certain responsibilities. They know that they play a role in helping the community to thrive, and acquire habits of kindness, compassion and thoughtfulness that set them up for life.

By living alongside our boys and watching them grow together, we are able to provide unrivalled pastoral care. We work closely with parents to give every boy the best possible chance to thrive. In good times and in bad, Shirburnians know that they are cared for, that the whole community is looking out for them, celebrating their highs and sympathising with their lows.

That is the special character of our community. It is a place of growth and tranformation.

