Sherborne is regarded by many as one of the country’s best Independent Schools for Music. In 2015 The Week described it as being ‘Number One Independent School for Music’. We are renowned for our well-equipped Music School, built in 2010, and we enjoy an outstanding reputation for developing young talent.
Half of our boys play instruments, many playing more than one instrument, and many to an enviably high standard. Level 6 LTCL and Level 4 ATCL performance diplomas are regular achievements, inevitably preceded by Distinction in Grade 8. Music is woven into the fabric of our daily life. The Choir sings twice a week in whole-school services held in the Abbey which are resplendent with choral music, and we enjoy frequent performances that cross every genre—both at School and in prestigious venues such as Salisbury Cathedral, Winchester Cathedral, the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford, St John’s Smith Square in London, and Poole Arts Centre.
Whatever a boy’s musical interests, we provide ample opportunity for him to pursue them. The space created by our seven-day-a-week schedule means that there is rarely a clash between Music and Sport. Boys at Sherborne can easily do both, and excel in them equally.
Music has a high status at Sherborne. It is an activity that everyone wants to participate in. The Music School is busy from first thing in the morning until last thing in the evening, ringing with the sound of pupils rehearsing, composing, practising and recording. Unusually large sets of GCSE Music and Music Technology, Music and Music Technology A-level achieve high grades and three or more boys each year tend to proceed to university to read Music and then to conservatoires.