Sherborne School welcomes applicants from overseas. The School is a seven day a week, full-boarding School with 93% of boys boarding.
The boys have a busy weekend, with a comprehensive programme of activities, including sport and social events, often organised with our neighbouring school, Sherborne Girls.
The first step in the admissions process is registration. Boys for whom English is not their first language will be invited to send copies of their latest school reports for consideration before registration.
Entry Process
Boys for whom English is their first language, will follow the normal School entry testing procedure. Please see our Admissions Process for more details.
The ISEB Common Pre-Tests and CAT 4 online cognitive tests are also considered which include Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, plus an EAL (English as Additional Language) paper, which can be sat at a British Council, an approved educational agent’s office or at a boy’s current school.
The Admissions Department are happy to advise on the testing required, depending on the Year group at entry.
Offer and Acceptance of a Place
Once an offer of a place has been made for Sherborne School an Acceptance Deposit of £2,000 (non-refundable) is required and for boys who normally reside outside of the UK a Terms Fees Deposit is also required. Payment of the deposits and completion of the Acceptance documentation will then guarantee the place. A New Boys’ pack will be sent out in the Summer Term prior to arrival with all the information needed to start at the School.
Child Student Visas
If a boy does not hold a British or Irish passport, he may require a Child Student visa to study in the UK.
Visas can be applied for up to six months in advance of enrolling at Sherborne. Full details of visa requirements are available on the UKVI website
Boys whose parents do not reside in the UK will require a guardian to act on their behalf whilst they are studying at Sherborne School. Whilst the School cannot recommend a particular guardian, a full list of accredited guardianship organisation is available from Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students (AEGIS)
Sherborne School’s full Guardianship Policy is available here (Pastoral Policies).
Boarding at Sherborne - a Pupil Perspective

Please contact the Admissions team if you would like further information on any of our overseas trips listed below. We would be delighted to hear from you.