Nothing rivals first-hand experience when it comes to firing a boy’s interest and shaping his dispositions. Whether that involves standing in front of a rare oil painting in an Italian art gallery, witnessing the horror of the Holocaust at a concentration camp, performing swing and jazz in the Caribbean or playing rugby in Australia, the experience will stay with a boy forever – giving him memories to draw on well into the future.

For this reason, trips play an important role in the culture at Sherborne. We encourage teachers to identify opportunities for boys to get out of the classroom and into the world. We make sure clubs and societies have plenty of chances to carry out visits and tours. And we timetable curriculum-related trips into the plan for the year, so boys don’t miss out on anything by going on them.

This is all a part of the full-boarding experience that is at the core of our approach. By making full use of every day in the week, we benefit from the space to enrich a boy’s education in all sorts of ways. Not only does that enhance learning, but it also fires enthusiasm – forming the habits of lifelong learning and intellectual inquiry that are a hallmark of the Sherborne experience.


Scheduled Trips:

The trips listed below aim to enhance and broaden our existing academic and co-curricular provision, giving the boys the opportunity to take their learning beyond the classroom. Facing new challenges, testing inner strengths, exploring new cultures and making new friends are only a handful of outcomes that can be achieved when learning outside the classroom. 

For further information and to book trips for your son, please find a letter from James Hull, Duke of Edinburgh & Educational Visits Co-ordinator here. 

(please scroll along to see all columns)

Lent 2025ActivityDestinationDurationYears Open ToOrganiser
24 - 30 JanuarySki Racing ChampsWengen, Switzerland6 daysAll (selection)David Guy
29 March - 5 AprilRecreational SkiFrance8 days3rd - 4th FormsBarny Allen
28 March - 1 AprilDofE Gold Canoeing Prac.The Thames River5 daysL6th FormJames Hull
28 March - 2 AprilDofE Gold Walking Prac.Brecon Beacons, Wales6 daysL6th FormMark Stuart
Trinity 2025ActivityDestinationDurationYears Open ToOrganiser
10 - 11 MayBronze DofE Practice and TrainingDorset2 days3rd FormMark Stuart
18 - 19 MayBronze DofE QualifierDorset2 days3rd FormMark Stuart
13 - 19 JuneDofE Gold Canoeing QualifierThe Great Glen, Scotland7 daysL6th FormJames Hull
15 - 20 JuneDofE Gold Walking QualifierSnowdonia, Wales6 daysL6th FormMark Stuart
28 June - 4 JulyCCF Summer Camp Cornwall7 days4th - L6th FormPaul Wilson
Michaelmas 2025ActivityDestinationDurationYears Open ToOrganiser
17 - 23 OctoberSpanish Trip to GranadaSpain7 days4th - L6th FormsPhilip Morrow
18 - 23 OctoberFrench Trip to ToulouseFrance6 days4th - L6th FormsWilliam Chadwick
17 - 22 OctoberClassics TripGreece6 days4th - U6th FormsStephen Heath
18 - 22 October
RS Trip to Rome
Rome5 days4th - U6th Forms
James Crawford 

