A range of awards are available to candidates entering the School at 16+ (Sixth Form).  Eligibility for all such awards is conditional upon the candidate having satisfied the School’s academic entry standards and been offered a place at the School.  In addition, candidates for particular awards must satisfy any other conditions that apply to them, including success in the competitive selection processes that apply. These scholarship assessments all take place in the Autumn, prior to the academic year of entry. 

The following options are available:

Academic Award

Sherborne is able to offer a number of Academic Scholarships to pupils for Sixth Form entry.  These will be awarded to candidates showing particular academic proficiency and promise.  Candidates considering entering for these scholarships should normally be predicted six or more A*, A, 8 or 9 grades at GCSE.

The Sixth Form Academic Scholarship assessment will be held in November 2025 (for 2026 entry candidates) and will include online cognitive tests, an academic interview and two subject based interviews based on the candidates' chosen A level subjects.

Music Award

Music scholarships and exhibitions are available on entry into the Sixth Form offering an exciting opportunity to boys to make a wide ranging contribution to the busy musical life of the School as well as developing their own individual musical ability.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to meet and informally play/sing to the Director of Music in advance of their scholarship audition and interview.  Please contact the Admissions Department to make the necessary appointment. 

Sports Award (Walford Award)

A number of sports awards are available on entry into the Sixth Form for boys demonstrating exceptional talent and potential in their chosen sport or sports.

Sixth Form Bursaries

In line with the School's Charter and the objectives of the Charity, The governors of Sherborne School are committed to offering to eligible parents or guardians means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees. Such support is known as a bursary and these may be awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% of fees.  

Bursary awards are made on the basis of an assessment of a family's financial circumstances, including their savings, investments and realisable assets, as well as their income, the size of their family, any other persons dependent upon them and other similar factors. Awards are subject to repeat testing of parental financial circumstances each year and may be varied upwards or downwards, depending on parental circumstances.