Important Information regarding Cyber-Security

Please be aware that independent schools and their parents can be the target of cyber-criminal activity with the aim of diverting fee payments to fraudulent bank accounts. This is typically done through scam emails involving school fees and their payment, offering significant discounts if paid by a certain date, which look convincing at first glance, but provide different bank details from our own and are not sent from a correct email address.

Sherborne would never offer fee remission in this way and we will never change the School’s bank details without formal notice in at least two separate ways.  Should you receive any form of communication purporting to be from us and making a time-limited payment request or advising you of such a change, please telephone the School on the usual number (not that contained in any email or letter) and check with our admissions or finance teams before making any payments.  In short, please be vigilant and always check - if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!