Dear Parent

We hope very much that when your son leaves Sherborne School, he will become a member of the Old Shirburnian Society (OSS).  

The Society runs a fully integrated careers network as well as organising a comprehensive range of social events tailored to the needs of the Old Shirburnians (OS) themselves. 

All of the services we offer for both careers and events are enhanced by our exclusive networking platform, membership of which is open to OS, parents, Sherborne International alumni and current Sixth Form boys.  As well as being the basis of our careers programme, the platform also boasts

  • a Mentoring and careers advice service
  • a Jobs Board, where work opportunities are offered
  • a Business Directory where members can advertise their business or services
  • a personalised events board with a constantly updated calendar
  • a live feed to share news, and photos and
  • the ability to contact fellow members worldwide

For a full description of all that the OSS can offer your son, please have a look at Sherborne Forever.

The subscription for Life Membership is £600, broken down as follows:

For a boy starting in the Third Form:                        9 termly payments of £66.67

For a boy starting in the Fourth Form:                     6 termly payments of £100.00

For a boy starting in the Lower Sixth Form:           5 termly payments of £120.00

The lifetime subscription includes a payment of £50 to the OS Charitable Trust, which grants means tested bursaries to the sons of OS.

Payments start in your son’s first term with any balance due to be paid at the time of your son’s leaving. All payments are made through your School account.  If, for any reason, your son is eventually unable to join the Society, all payments that have already been made will be refunded. 

With all good wishes for what I hope will be a very long happy relationship with Sherborne. 

John Harden

Secretary Old Shirburnian Society