Suggestions for Summer Reading from Harriet Cant, Head of English

With summer fast approaching, many of the boys are already thinking ahead to their well-earned rest. It might be that, during the next few months, your son finds himself with some spare time and I hope that he might consider reading a book for pleasure.  To this end, I would like to suggest some books that your son might enjoy.

Parents often ask me how they can support their son's English studies and my answer is always the same: encourage them to read for pleasure. When boys are reading, whether it is fiction or non-fiction, a 'classic' novel, or a graphic novel, they are developing vocabulary which will help them to access all areas of the curriculum.

This reading list, developed by the English department, offers suggestions of both classic and modern books from a wide range or genres, carefully chosen to offer variety and to challenge the boys. I hope the list will prove helpful to your son's summer reading. I would also be more than happy to offer further suggestions for your son.