Debating has regained its momentum, or motion, since lockdown, with Miss Watts running a club with Mr Crouch for the seniors, and Mr Payne looking after the juniors.
An inter-house balloon debate should fill the BSR with the hottest of air in March. Meanwhile, the juniors have taken part in their first fixture for years: a friendly against Sherborne Girls, who argued for the right to protest. It fell to the eloquent team of Ivo Finney (3d), Gerald Asafo-Adjei (3e) and Johnny Moesel (3c), with shrewd questions from Charlie Miller (3d), to argue the case against. The joy of the event was to see both teams learn from each other’s different styles, and the judges couldn’t decide between them. All involved were keen to repeat the experience, and to take debating on the road soon.
Tom Payne, Deputy Head of English