Old Shirburnian and renowned art dealer returns to the School
Academic Events Art

On Friday 14th June, the History of Art club hosted Rupert Maas for a special talk.

An Old Shirburnian, Rupert is one of the world’s most renowned art dealers specialising in 19th century British art. The current lower-sixth art historians are studying the very paintings that Rupert has dealt with in the past, including works by Lord Leighton and the Pre-Raphaelites, so this was a spectacular opportunity for them. 

The talk itself was full, and included the lower-sixth art historians, many irregular club attendees, as well as quite a few members of staff - a wonderful mix that really enhanced the variety of questions asked at the end. Rupert took us on a fascinating journey from his beginnings as an art dealer through to career highlights, as well as a “behind the scenes” peek. For instance, the fact that he made more money by selling the photo of Leighton’s Flaming June to the Bridgeman Art Library than by selling the painting itself caused the audience a little shock of delight. 

Apart from business, dealing, and spicy stories, Rupert is a true expert on the 19th century, and his profound insights on the cultural value of British art of this period will help and inspire the future art historians at Sherborne. 


Image of Rupert Maas  Image of pupils listening to Rupert Maas talk

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