The Sherborne School Foundation is an independent charity which exists to support the aims of the School through charitable giving. The Foundation celebrates its 20th anniversary in the 2019/20 academic year and over that period we have raised £14m for a range of projects and have some very generous pledges to others. As part of the celebration and to embark on the next five to seven years of your support we are rebranding the Foundation, Sherborne 360˚.
Our supporters, alongside the boys we support through our projects, remain at the heart at what we are doing and your views and support as volunteers and donors are most welcome.
Over the first 20 years we have received support from over 2,000 alumni of both Sherborne School and Sherborne International and over 500 parents of the School. We are most grateful for your support and look forward to seeing you at future events.
Sherborne 360˚ also spearheads particular projects, such as the building of the Music School in 2010. It helps the School’s supporters build a lasting legacy, inspiring generations of Shirburnians to come.
Sherborne School Foundation Registered Charity No. 1073522. Company Ltd by Guarantee 3686309.
Sherborne 360˚ not only reflects the excellent all-round education the boys receive but also reflects the range of projects we will be supporting between now and 2026. They will include boarding, science, sport, technology and the arts, as well as bursary support to help widen access to our excellent school. Over the coming years we will be rolling out these projects with details appearing both here and in all our publications. Sherborne 360˚ also features on the School buildings we have funded during the first 20 years, in recognition of our supporters’ generosity. The special 20th anniversary project for 2019 was the complete refurbishment of the Macnaghten Library, which you can read more about here.
Sherborne 360˚ builds long-term relationships with donors, helping them integrate with the School and understand the impact of their generosity. It represents the voice of Sherborne’s supporters within the School, helping to shape its future and contribute to its success. We work closely with the Old Shirburnian Society. Together, we organise regular events at School and further afield, helping people keep in touch with School friends and learn about the latest developments in Sherborne.