Bow Society 20th Anniversary in Sherborne

Members of the Bow Society celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a full day of activities in Sherborne on Thursday 14th June.

The Society's members and guests were firstly able to observe classes in action which gave them a taste of how the School operates today, and the way the boys' lessons are run.  This was followed by a Chapel service, led by the Rev Dr David Campbell, giving thanks for the generous past and present support of Sherborne, including that of Charlie and Louisa Bow.

Afterwards, a new artwork was unveiled in the Old School Room.  Sixth Form boys had produced a charcoal piece, to reflect the life of the generous coalman, Charlie Bow, and his family, and this year's Foundation Fellow, Fivi Spirydonos, explained the process that had gone into the production.

Adrian Ballard, Head of the Foundation, and the Headmaster, Dominic Luckett, then provided updates on both the Foundation and the School, which was followed by a delectable lunch.  The assembled company then had the opportunity to view the artefacts available in the Beckett Room, including a fascinating display of the story of the Bow family, which the Archivist, Rachel Hassall had curated especially for the day.  Further evidence of the boys' talents was subsequently displayed in a concert in the Music School, where the group was fortunate enough to hear pieces played by some of the School's ATCL Diploma holders.

This busy day was concluded with a tour of the School, and a well-earned cup of tea in the Old School Room.  One of the guests noted afterwards:

"What an excellent day you all gave us on Thursday!  It was an exceedingly happy occasion, a very good programme and a lot of fun, for the other halves too."

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