This term has seen a much looked forward to return of normality in the classroom, with practicals proceeding as before and the abolition of the “red box” in which teachers were isolated during lesson time.
Extra-curricular activities too have returned to normal with an encouraging number of boys coming for additional help to the Academic Support Clubs and Chemistry Symposiums producing fertile ground for developing scientists. Given the nature of the event, however, these have been kept online, but this has not hampered the scope of the presentations: Alec Williams (U6d) spoke on the chemistry of global warming, while Preston Leung (U6m) looked at explosives, specifically TNT. Other offerings have included the chemistry behind taste, the chemical components of insect venom, Agatha Christie and her poisons and the redox chemistry of Alzheimer’s. As ever, we look forward to further contributions in the Lent Term.
William Buckley, Head of Chemistry