We could not be prouder of this year’s Fifth Formers whose hard work and ability have been rewarded with an excellent set of (I)GCSE results. As with last week’s A levels, there has been a sharp fall nationally in top grades, designed to drive out the significant grade inflation resulting from the cancellation of examinations during the pandemic. Despite this, our boys have performed extremely well, with 14% of (I)GCSEs awarded the top grade of 9, higher than our last pre-pandemic results in 2019 and considerably above the 2023 figure for England of 5%. At 28%, our 9-8 pass rate is equally impressive, being roughly twice the national figure of 15%. These figures are likely to move further upwards over the coming weeks as a result of remarks and appeals. We will publish a final set of results next term.
On an individual level, many of our pupils achieved absolutely exceptional results. 18 boys gained an average grade of 8 or above and 1 in 7 were awarded ten or more grades 9 to 7. Among the truly stellar performers were Thomas Foster, Oliver Chappell, James Fielding, Charlie Sclater and Freddie Hope-Hawkins, each of whom achieved straight 9s and 8s. Charlie Perry, meanwhile, did even better, gaining eleven grade 9s, being one of only 150 candidates in the country (out of over 640,000 candidates) who achieved this spectacular outcome.
Such elite performances are worthy of great praise. But so, too, are the achievements of many other boys who, despite the challenges presented by the pandemic years, emerged with results that do justice to their abilities and set them up very well for the next stage of their education.
Headmaster Dr Dominic Luckett expressed his great pride in the boys, who have achieved excellent academic outcomes whilst also maintaining the great Sherborne tradition of participation and achievement in a huge range of sporting, musical, intellectual, creative and other endeavours. “Our boys are exceptionally busy but, taking advantage of the opportunities of a full boarding environment, they have again shown just how talented, dedicated and ambitious they are. These characteristics, allied to their admirable personal qualities, will serve them well as they move through the Sixth Form and out into the world”.
Once again, our equally warm congratulations go to the Upper Fifth pupils at Sherborne Girls who achieved similarly great results.