This term has seen an exciting start for our new clubs. The Physics Department has started clubs for Engineering and Astronomy, along with a Junior Science Club. The Engineering club has had a lot of interest and pupils have been developing ideas for future projects; the Third Form have already started on building a bridge out of spaghetti and glue.
The Astronomers have been discussing ideas such as the Kármán line, which is where outer space officially starts, and are hoping to go out and do some observing work in the new year. The Science Club are planning their project which should earn them a Silver Crest Award. This will be a great addition to their future personal statements for university applications and we’re happy to welcome more boys to this club in the future.
Elsewhere in the Department, some pupils in the Lower Sixth may have only just started their course, but felt ready to join members of the Upper Sixth in the first round of the British Physics Olympiad. They are waiting to hear their results, but I am confident that we will see some boys being entered for the next round.
Richard Brown, Head of Physics