During the Lent Term, the Third Form studied Programming using the Python programming language. At the start of the term the Computer Science Department introduced 40 challenges which coincided with the content taught during lessons. The challenges got progressively harder. Successful completion of challenges 1 to 10 earned a Bronze Certificate, 11 to 20 earned a Silver Certificate, 21 to 30 earned a Gold Certificate, and 31 to 40 earned a Platinum. The majority of the year group received their Bronze Certificate.
Cameron Groves (3c) was the only student in the Third Form to complete all 40 challenges, receiving his Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Certificate.
Charlie Miller (3d) received his Bronze, Silver, and Gold Certificate. He almost achieved his Platinum, but instead decided to create a fully functional class register using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. He also self-taught these languages.
The following boys received their Bronze, Silver and Gold certification: Forest Purvis (3b), Ryan Lai (3e), Winston So (3f) Gabriel Cheng (3e) and Freddie Facer (3a) received his Bronze and Silver Certificate.
David Wild, Head of Computer Science