The Patterson Recitation Prize made history in 2022. On May 19, boys from the Third and Fourth Forms delivered a wide range of poems from memory, with real poise and a sense of occasion, to compete for the Junior Patterson Cup; and the newish tradition of the Senior Competition continues.
At least three things were without precedent: for the first time, a boy delivered his own poem (Caio Waters, with his astonishing “Street with No Name”); for the first time, the Junior Prize was shared, between Caio Waters (3b) and Johnny Moesel (3b); and Archie Burton (U6a) was awarded his third cup, to add to his previous Junior and Senior wins. Our judges were Dr Luckett and Mrs Bone, the Head of Sherborne Prep; they gave extensive, supportive and enthusiastic feedback to the competitors, all of whom are to be congratulated, not least for being audible while the Abbey bellringers met for their weekly practice.
Tom Payne, English Teacher