We are delighted for our Upper Sixth Form leavers who have achieved an outstanding set of public examination results. One fifth of their A levels were graded A* (compared to 9% nationally) with 43% being awarded A* and A grades (27% nationally).
A quarter of our boys achieved straight A* and A grades including Ted H, Hector K and Bertie T, each of whom secured 4 A*s; Toby B, Joey L and Max S (all A*A*A*A); Bruno A-N, Andy C, Leo L, Alex U and Tom C (all A*A*AA); and Mike S, Oliver L, Lucas P and Otis S (A*A*A*). The BTEC results were again exceptional with 86% Distinction*/Distinction (with Distinction* being equivalent to an A* at A level and Distinction to an A grade).
Thanks to these excellent results, the vast majority of our leavers secured their chosen university places. Destinations include high-tariff UK institutions such as Bath, Bristol, Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter, Imperial, Manchester, Newcastle, Oxford, Southampton and UCL. Others have secured places at top overseas institutions including McGill, Montréal, Canada; the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA; and IE Business School, Madrid.
The degrees for which they will be studying reflect their wide-ranging academic interests, ranging from Medicine, Veterinary Science, Architecture and Law to Natural Sciences, Engineering, Languages, History, Business, Geography, Music, Economics, Psychology, Computer Science, Horology and Yacht Design.
Commenting upon the results, Headmaster Dr Dominic Luckett said: ‘I am so pleased that this year’s leavers have achieved such conspicuous academic success. We are not a highly selective school and nor, unlike many schools, do we ever require boys to leave us after GCSEs. Our commitment to a broad and balanced education, meanwhile, means that they commit much of their time to sporting, musical and other co-curricular activity, much of it at an elite level. For one fifth of their A level results to be graded A* is, therefore, an absolutely outstanding achievement and one likely to be reflected in an exceptionally high value-added score when this information is published early next term. I could not be prouder of this exceptional group of intelligent, talented, conscientious and, above all, kind young men. I am grateful to them for the huge contributions that they have individually and collectively made to the School and wish them every happiness and success as they move on to the next stages of their lives’.
In addition to praising our boys upon their achievements, we extend our thanks to all those who taught and looked after them during their time at Sherborne as well as our warm congratulations to pupils at Sherborne Girls upon securing an equally impressive set of results.