Achievements in Biology

Why not shout about it?  

I do not apologise for eulogising about a boy’s dedication to Biology within this short article. It is simply wonderful when a student who has passed through your department has been inspired and ably assisted to enable them to access their dream.  

Despite the trials and tribulations that the recent global pandemic has posed, it was wonderful to hear that Jack Pyman (U6e) was awarded a place to read Veterinary Medicine at Cambridge University this year. Jack’s dedication to the subject has been apparent since the Third Form and his desire to ensure that he was a notable candidate is highly commendable. Even when I was teaching him from my garage during the first lockdown, his energy and passion for the subject was just as infectious as Coronavirus it seems.  

It is important for other aspiring Shirburnians to realise that obtaining such a notable achievement requires a great deal of independent work. Jack took it upon himself to gain additional work experience, no mean feat given the climate at the time. Of course, Sherborne School provided a fabulous framework and secure scaffold which afforded him the possible best opportunity, but Jack’s ability to add the flesh to the bones allowed him to gain a place on a highly competitive course and, at an extremely desirable institution. We wish him the very best of luck, both in his forthcoming Biology A level examinations, and beyond.  

Jon-Paul Manning, Head of Biology  

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