Presenting in Chemistry

Although Chemistry Symposiums this year have remained, the standard of presentations has not diminished. The Upper Sixth at Sherborne School has presented on the Chemistry of Global Warming (Alec Williams (U6d), The Chemistry of Trinitrotoluene more commonly known as TNT (Preston Leung) and the Future of Plastics (Andre Cheung (U6e) and Ranco Liu(U6e).

Most recently, and as the A level revision requirements increase, the Lower Sixth Form have stepped forward to present on the Chemistry of Colour (Richard Xu (L6b) and Ben Smith-Bingham (L6d).  Richard and Ben have, at the time of writing, yet to present, but it is an interesting area covering flame colours for which they will need to consider the transfer of electrons in atomic/ionic orbitals, colours in Transition Metals, which will necessitate an explanation of d-d orbital splitting and finally the colour of organic compounds. This will undoubtedly be the most challenging area as it will require a basic understanding of molecular orbital theory and how a conjugated system of double bonds impacts on this. It promises to be an informative evening!  

William Buckley, Head of Chemistry 

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