This term has been one of steady endeavour for the 40+ boys taking the EPQ. It has been a real pleasure to see them delve deeply into their chosen topics, mastering academic reading and note taking and asking increasingly sophisticated questions in their Taught Element sessions about critical analysis, writing abstracts and literature reviews and planning their summer work. However, for two of the Lower Sixth, this term has been rather more exciting, as they managed to complete their projects and give their presentations before the end of term. It is always an impressive feat to achieve this in Lower Sixth, and the more so given that this cohort did not properly begin their EPQ until January. To add icing to the cake, both of their projects were absolutely outstanding.
It was very special, after two years of Zoom and/or socially distanced presentations, to fill R22 with parents, staff and boys to watch the presentations. Freddie Folkes (L6a) went first, presenting on Napoleon’s peace treaties and offering an insightful analysis of the complexities of European relations. He was followed by Hugh Deery (L6a), who presented a passionate evaluation of the efficacy of the Good Friday Agreement. Both boys presented with flair and demonstrated real mastery of their subject, handling a range of questions with confidence and maturity. We are very much looking forward to the next tranche of EPQ presentations in Exeat, when a further 20 or so boys are due to present their projects.
All in all it has been a successful year introducing the new Enrichment/EPQ programme in Lower Sixth, which will remain a firm part of the Sixth Form offer.
Charlotte Allen – Head of History & EPQ Co-ordinator