It’s been another busy term in the Chemistry Department with face-to-face Chemistry Symposiums restarting, the junior boys entering the Top of the Bench Chemistry Competition and, just round the corner in January, the Chemistry Olympiad.
The first of these has seen topics as diverse as: wine, the chemistry behind its taste; the chemistry of the contraceptive pill and nanomedicines and their effect on the metabolism of cancer cells. Presenting for Sherborne School have been Sebastian Stannah (U6m), Ottokar Denham (U6m) and Tommy Guy (U6e).
The Top of the Bench team travelled to Portsmouth Grammar School to compete for a place in the next round. Well done to Freddie Hope-Hawkins (5e), Caio Waters (4b), Benji Rimington (3c) and Ian Liu (3d), for all their efforts.
And finally, the Chemistry Olympiad; the Upper Sixth will be invited to sit for this competition, as will the Lower Sixth, but there is also a member of the Fifth Form who has been limbering up for this competition; no names at this stage, but watch this space for the next bulletin when I shall report on his progress. Whatever the outcome, however, it is heartening that academic ambition is alive and thriving in the school.
William Buckley, Head of Chemistry