Distinction at the Mid-Somerset Music Festival

Both the Sixth Form Piano Trio – Ally Collins (L6f), Mathew Cann (L6e) and Finnbar Blakey (L6a) – and the Third Form Wind Quintet – Cassian Blackburn-Enever (3e), George Jefferson (3e), George Lewis (3d), Benedict Mercer (3b), Nathanael Fagerson (3a) – participated in the Mid-Somerset Music Festival in Bath on Tuesday night. Both Sherborne ensembles were commended for their performances and the Piano Trio went on to win both a cup and a Distinction, with the judges commenting extremely favourably on their musicianship.

The Piano Trio has appeared in chamber concerts and masterclasses several times previously, and has been rehearsing together since they arrived in the Third Form three and a half years ago, but this is the first time that they have gained recognition outside the school. Coached by Head of Strings Sarah Drury, the ensemble intends soon to contribute to a recording of the school’s current chamber music.

James Henderson
Director of Music

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