One in five A levels graded A*

We are delighted to announce that this year’s Upper Sixth leavers have secured another outstanding set of results. Particularly impressive is the fact that a fifth of all A level entries were graded A*, well over twice the proportion awarded nationally.   Almost half of all A levels were awarded A*/A grades and over three quarters A*/B. 

Twenty-four boys secured straight A* and A grades including Oscar Norris and Will Shardlow with four A*s apiece; Thomas Brooke and Henry Dennis, each with three A*s and one A; Jaroslavs Maksimovs with three A*s, one A and one B; Tom Pentreath with three A*s; and Harry Clark, Tom Crinks, Alex McNair Scott, Columbus O’Donnell, Douglas Mak and Ben Orton with two A*s and one A; Charlie Hickling and Peter Angkasith with two A*s, one A and one B.

Our leavers are now preparing to head off to start their courses at leading universities in the UK and overseas.  They include Finnbar Blakey who is going to St Peter’s College, Oxford, to read Music with a choral scholarship; Thomas Brooke and Harry Clark who will be reading Modern Languages at Magdalen College and Pembroke College, Oxford; Will Shardlow who will read Mathematics at New College, Oxford; and Max Vinycomb who will be studying Engineering at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.  Many others deserve equal congratulations upon securing their places at universities including Bristol, UCL, Durham, Edinburgh, LSE, Bath and Imperial College. 

Reflecting upon the results, the Headmaster, Dr Dominic Luckett, commented:

‘I am delighted that, once again, our boys have acquitted themselves so well in their A levels.  This year presented particular challenges as A level reform made the examinations more demanding and injected an additional degree of uncertainty into the system.  However, through hard work, dedication and perseverance, and with the unstinting support of their teachers, the boys rose to those challenges superbly well.  What makes their academic results all the more pleasing and impressive is that they sit alongside the huge range of sporting, musical and other co-curricular accomplishments for which Shirburnians are so rightly renowned.  I could not be more proud of them and wish them all continued happiness and success in the future.’

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