Committing to Climate Change

Back in November, Glasgow hosted the much anticipated and historic climate change summit, COP26. Word leaders from almost every country met to accelerate action towards the climate change goals. The two-week conference provided an excellent opportunity to raise the boys' awareness and foster some interest in one of the most important challenges of our time.

Within the Geography Department, we stepped outside of the curriculum in all year groups, and spent time following the events of the summit, discussing climate change, and most importantly, thinking about what we can all do about it.  David Attenborough’s superb opening speech echoed throughout the Geography Department corridors for many days! The boys also submitted a climate change pledge; an action they were going to take for at least a year to reduce their impact on the climate. These ranged from turning off lights, having meat free meals, not wasting food, and using more public transport when at home. Their pledges were written onto a paper leaf and stuck to a model tree, which is now proudly on display in the entrance to the Dining Hall. 

Joshua Wilson, Head of Geography


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