It has been a busy term for the CCF. The Pringle Trophy is possibly the most demanding event in the CCF calendar and is a keenly contested competition between schools across the country with RM cadets. Our team, led by Luca Malikov (U6f) and consisting of cadets from Sherborne Girls as well as Sherborne School, came a superb third place and were the highest placed mixed team. The teamwork, camaraderie, and grit were a great example of the schools working together.

Termly Field Trips are often the highlight for cadets in the CCF. A couple of weeks ago, our Royal Navy section went to HMS Collingwood, our Vth form cadre course were hosted by the King’s Royal Hussars, our Royal Marine cadets went to 40 Commando, and our Army section went to Windsor to be hosted by the Coldstream Guards. This helped our preparations for the Biennial Inspection. The parade was observed by well over 200 proud parents and guests as the cadets tried their best under the watchful eye of the Fleet Commander of the Royal Navy (and Old Shirburnian), Vice Admiral Andrew Burns (e 88). He was also our Guest of Honour at our Annual Dinner Night for our Sixth Form cadets and gave a fantastic speech about the challenges of leadership.

Next term there is lots to look forward to including parachuting, Field Trips to HMS Raleigh and Scraesdon Fort, CCF Summer Camp to Kent and adventure training in Norway.
Rob Le Poidevin, CCF Contingent Commander