Further musical successes with ATCL diplomas

The latest results from the Associate of Trinity College, London, diplomas see Harry Reynolds (U6e, clarinet) and Douglas Mak (L6c, saxophone) achieving outstandingly high marks and, in Harry's case, a Distinction. 

This news comes on top of several similar successes over the last nine months: Charlie Smith (5g) achieved an ATCL with Distinction on the flute, as did Ally Collins (L6f) on the piano, and Theo Beeny (U6c) achieved his ATCL diploma on the French horn.

Director of Music James Henderson commented: It is both encouraging and inspirational for all pupils involved with music-making at Sherborne that five boys have achieved their ATCL diplomas this year: the number of those achieving Grade 8 Distinctions has also been very high and I know that several of them will going on to take their diplomas next year, alongside auditions for the National Youth Orchestra and in addition to their very full academic, musical and sporting life within the school.

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