The Sherborne School community came together on Sunday to mark the centenary of the World War One Armistice and those who gave their lives in World War two and later conflicts. The morning began with a moving service held in the grounds of Lyon House, whilst the CCF gathered outside the Abbey before they joined the main parade through the town. The main service was held in the Chapel and as custom, we held our own Act of Remembrance in the Courts where the entire School came together to pay their respects and remember those who fell for their country.
"Sherborne is often to be found at its very best when it comes together as an entire community to mark a special occasion. So it was when at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month a vast throng of boys, staff, parents and friends of the School gathered to mark the centenary of the Armistice. A fittingly sombre and packed Chapel service was addressed by Old Shirburnian Major General Patrick Cordingley before the entire company moved to the Courts where in bright Autumn sunshine the two minutes of silence was impeccably observed with great pomp and dignity."
The Rev’d Dr David Campbell