An inspirational talk was given to our boys in October by Mathematician and Science Author, Simon Singh. Below is a review of the talk written by our very own mathematicians from the Lower Sixth:
"On Friday the 19th October the quirky (as shown by his hair) and intellectual Simon Singh gave a mathematics talk about his book. He spoke on some of the problems that have puzzled humanity for centuries, namely Fermat’s Last Theorem, the title of his book. He presented several problems to the audience and challenged people to find solutions, this encompassed the general theme of the talk which was about being able to find absolute proof to problems in maths. As he explained to us, Fermat’s Last Theorem is a very simplistic problem yet it had remained unsolved for 350 years until the proof was found and later published in 1993, consisting of 200 pages of working!
Simon Singh also conducted a short Q and A session beforehand in which he explained his fascinating life, involving being sued by a massive corporation for liable about acupuncture, which lead him to writing several books which were purchased by many after his stimulating talk. Overall the talk was thoroughly interesting and I am sure it has got many people interested in the history of maths and problem solving."
Sam Reynolds (L6c) & Christian Johnson (L6d)